Agile People Coach [5 Online Sessions]

Country Category 1: Euro 500
Country Category 2: Euro 450
Country Category 3: Euro 360
Contact us to plan your training or ask for a combination package:
Agile Fundamentals + Agile HR + Agile Coach
Agile Fundamentals + Agile Leadership + Agile Coach
Agile People Coach Certification
In the future of work HR and Managers will need to take the role of Agile People Coaches, with the necessary competence about basic human needs, behaviors, teamwork, and how to support an emerging strategy towards the organization’s purpose.
The Agile People coach is an alternative career for traditional managers and HR representatives in the future of work. An Agile People Coach is more than an Agile Coach, although the basic understanding of agile values, agile tools and methods, systems theory, and organizations are the same. The difference lies in the deeper People’s perspective. During this training, you will learn how to coach people to find a place where they can be the best they can be and how to create conditions for people to perform together.
Gain awareness about tools, methods, models, and frameworks, for making teams perform. Understand how to enable teams to work cross-functionally between departments by gaining knowledge of new ways of working that will promote communication across usual boundaries – like the Buddy System, Beyond Budgeting or OKR:s. Last, but not least, you will learn how strategies emerge and adapt and how to involve all people in the organization in the emerging strategy creation. When people continuously improve and learn in a common direction, and when mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, we can create that psychologically safe culture that forms the foundation for a learning organization. And when people feel safe to be vulnerable in front of peers, we know we have succeeded.
Workshop program
The program is made up of 5 topics that we will cover over 5 intensive online sessions (Zoom) on Wednesday Evenings: 19:00 – 20:30
Date Topics
10-11-2021 Agile People Coach 1
17-11-2021 Agile People Coach 2
24-11-2021 Agile People Coach 3
01-12-2021 Agile People Coach 4
08-12-2021 Agile People Coach 5
Workshop program Session 1-5: Agile People Coach
Session C1-5 Deep dive into Agile People Coaching
Session C1: Agile Coaching and the Four Roles of a Coach
Mentoring, teaching, facilitating, and coaching are the stances of an Agile Coach – they need to master all of them to be successful and pick the right stance depending on the organization, situation, and the people. But what is the difference between an Agile Coach and an Agile People Coach?
Session C2: The Agile People Coach – a new Role for HR and Managers
In this session, we examine the nine roles of the Agile People Coach and a self-assessment – how skilled are you in the different roles and where do you need to improve. What are the skills that you need to add as a regular Agile Coach, Leader, or HR person if you want to increase your agile & people skills and to be able to call yourself an Agile People Coach? Finally, we look at scenarios for practicing when to take what role.
Session C3: Professional Coaching
To understand the Agile Coach and the Agile People Coach’s roles, you need to also have some knowledge in Professional Coaching and know how to formulate and ask suitable questions to guide and lead a person to understand what needs to be done in any situation.
Session C4: My Motivation Profile as a base for Self-leadership
Who you are and what makes you do what you do is very personal and different from others’ why. Communicating with people who are different from yourself and knowing how to understand what makes other people do what they do and how they are different/similar to you is crucial in agile environments. We develop My washing instructions and discuss how your needs affect your life and work.
Session C5: Conflict Coaching
Exploring conflict theory and finding the right balance between harmony and healthy conflict in a team or organization is key when moving towards high-performing teams. In this session, you learn different models for dealing with conflict, understanding conflict escalation and different types of conflicts, and handling conflict in a team.
Conclusion and next steps: Retrospective (ALL) and KUDOs
Target audience
Agile coaches, consultants, HR managers, HR Business Partners, HR professionals, line managers, operational & business managers and consulting managers in both the private and public sectors.
Course leader
Manfred van Veghel, has 30 years of training and consultancy experience from large Dutch and international companies for Agile, HR, Leadership and Organization. He is the founder of the Agile Caribbean Meetup Group and has a global network of Agile People.
As a consultant he has worked with Agile since 2001 at ABN AMRO (DSDM) with several frameworks, Agile Project Management, DevOps, Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Agile HR, Lean Leadership & Kaizen, from the Healthcare sector to ICT and governmental organizations in Europe, US and on different Caribbean islands.
He was involved as Agile Coach for the Agile HR transition of ING HR from 2015 – 2017, one of the biggest Agile HR transitions of its kind. Currently he involved in Agile Transitions in the Caribbean.
Online Delivery
We are working with Zoom for presentations and team exercises, Trello for keeping track of the agenda items and exercises and Slack for communication between the sessions. There will be some work to be done after every session, so add about 5 hours more every week. Course literature and material will be sent to your location and distributed digitally.
During the period, you take part in 1,5-hour sessions. Totally 12 sessions – six options, depending on where you are in the world. The date and time are the of every session. Please add what Option you choose when you sign up.
Do I need any pre-competence?
Yes, you need to have completed the Agile People HR or Agile People Leadership Certification.
How does the process look for this training?
The training is a copy of the physical training but we will use online tools instead of face-to-face meetings. You will need a good internet connection and an undisturbed workplace where you can have a quiet background. We will work in break-out sessions in Zoom and other online tools.
All material will be shared via a Trello board and a Google drive. We will let you know everything about practicalities during the first session.
Are these scheduled on specific days at specific times?
Yes will be scheduled on specific days and times. See above what applies to this course.
After training completion, what is the process to become ICAgile Certified?
Events cancellation policy
If you should have to cancel your registration, notification in writing should be sent to Please make sure you state the name of the conference/event in the subject line of your email.
– A refund of 85% will be given for cancellations received 60 days before the start of the event
– A refund of 50% will be given for cancellations received between 59 days before 31 days to the start of the event
– A refund of 25% will be given for cancellations received between 30 days before 14 days to the start of the event